The CIP application maintains several types of status information so that:
members may be more aware of the presence and activity of others
the application will know someone's status in enough detail to provide appropriate support
Guide documents are maintained for each member in each process (Cafe, Council Circle, etc.) containing a variety of status information, including:
count of topics created
count of topics read
count of responses created
count of responses joined
and, if meaningful for the process:
number of topics currently joined
list of subjects of joined topics
These Guides are replicated to make this information available to others through two views:
member activity view (sorted by name, displays counts)
topic members view (categorized by topic subject)
To minimize replication volume, only information of particular value to others is kept in the Guides themselves. All other status information needed by the application is kept locally.
In local documents called Markers that are not replicated to any other members, the application also maintains lists of the Notes unique document IDs of all:
topics created
topics read
topics joined
responses created
responses read
The application uses these lists to know someone's status for each document so it can take appropriate action.
Several special purpose views are maintained to provide current lists and totals of:
completed profiles
members who are present/here
current topics
These views are used by formulas to display counts on the Notice and various Guides.