Learning Inquiry Harvest: Acknowledgement and Mirroring
From the CIP Learning Inquiry, in participants' own words...
+ I'm learning (being re-minded) how vital conscious spoken acknowledgment is to this medium. Everyone is hungry for acknowledgment, no matter how impressive their credentials or experience. - I am frustrated by not knowing the affect I have on others. When I have spoken (Opening Ceremony, Council Circle, a few times in the Café, and once I answered a request in "Feedback"), I am left with wondering what others are thinking or feeling about what I said. There are no eyes, faces, body language to observe. o If people are to speak about what is truly important to them, they need to know they are being heard, and how. This mirroring is a fundamental human need. Ideas and conclusions feel sterile when divorced from their related experiences. Sharing about sensory input and body language brings surprising vividness and feeling of connection. - Neuro Linguistic Programming is successful due to mirroring the person you are communicating with. I am having a hard time with the absence of body language and the limited mirroring occurring. I need those two aspects for satisfying communications. For example, had I been hovering at the edge of a group of people in real space/time unsure of joining, you may have seen me and my puzzled and somewhat tentative expression and encouraged me to come on in... + I have deeply valued the honoring of each other (mirroring) that many have provided in our conversations. We seem to be weaving a supportive community environment and I am enjoying the unfolding process.