Learning Inquiry Harvest: Process


Subject: What we're learning together in the CIP
Context from which harvest comes: Learning Inquiry
Harvested by: Trudy Johnson-Lenz, 08/21/96 11:23 AM
Categories: Architecture, Cafe, Community intelligence, Conversation, Conversational Practice, Council Circle, Facilitation Agents, Groupware, Listening, Lotus Notes Release 4, Macintosh, Meaning, Open Space, Opening Ceremony, Orientation, Replication, Tools, Learning Inquiry

The Learning Inquiry has been our mid-course participatory assessment of everyone's experience to date of the CIP. It opened August 1 and was scheduled to end August 18, although it's still open for additional responses, comments, and conversation.

We asked six questions:

The response has been very rich and powerful -- about 200 very perceptive comments! Many thanks for the quality of your reflections, your thoughtfulness, your candor, and your willingness to share your experiences -- pro and con -- with all of us. We all benefit greatly.

Not surprisingly, there is a lot of diverse experience and opinion. What works well for one doesn't work for another. We're all looking at this experience through our own lenses, filters, expectations, interests, and needs.

This Harvest

This Harvest weaves together participants' own words into a rich tapestry. In this sense, this Harvest is a collaborative expression of the many voices within the CIP. It includes responses received through August 20.

In a very few cases, small edits were made for clarity or so that particular organizations are not identified, but no substantive changes were made. I made every effort to be inclusive of all perspectives and experiences. Please let me know if you see any errors, omissions, or misrepresentations so they can be corrected.

Harvest Methodology

To integrate and harvest these diverse learnings, I read through every response in the Learning Inquiry again to get a sense of the whole.

Then I collected all the responses in one big electronic file and marked with color those parts of each response that I wanted to consider including because they stood out, made clear or strong points, or uniquely contributed in some way.

I selected the color-marked sections and cut and pasted them them into rough categories, such as Overall Learnings, Putting Learnings Into Action, CIP Design, etc. After the rough-cut categorization, I further refined my selection process so that major themes were represented but with little redundancy. Roughly 30% of the orginal text remained.

Within each category, I marked each response with a symbol: I sequenced the responses within each category to highlight the diversity of views. For all of this I used a combination of Microsoft Word and Lotus Notes. I saved intermediate versions of the files along the way so I wouldn't lose anything. All told, this took about 25 hours of work over a period of several days.

Then Peter and I reviewed the final draft to polish it before breaking it up into linked modules to put into the CIP Harvests.

From the 1996 Awakening Technology Community of Inquiry and Practice (CIP)
Content and Groupware Design © 1996 Awakening Technology.

Awakening Techno
logy...*...333 S. State Street V-233...*...Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034
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From www.awakentech.com on 01/25/2025 ---- item last modified on 05/31/1997.