Learning Inquiry Harvest: CIP Design

From the CIP Learning Inquiry, in participants' own words...

+ I am thoroughly impressed with the application--- the layout, the directions for doing the work, the navigation helps and the thoughtful prompts artfully placed throughout the community. I have especially enjoyed the Knowledge Web, particularly when I was reading the harvests.
+ The application really helps me figure out where to go next, find what I haven't read. Getting in and out of spaces is painless.
- I found navigating was not intuitive. It was difficult to tell where I was and what I had to do. I work in a lot of Notes applications. I found this difficult to learn at first but now I'm having fun.
+ I appreciate the variety in the design of the space, and the ways in which we are moved from one space to another.
+ I'm intrigued by how the community is shaped both by the people in the community and the structured spaces provided to the community. The software is very structured and the conversations are very open and trusting.
+ The environment is very flexible.
+ What is working well is the overall design of the program. Specifically that I have choice about how and to what degree I participate.
+ For me, what is working well in terms of the overall design and process architecture are: + I love the graphics and quotes. They make me feel like I have stepped in to a living book and can walk around in it.
+ The design here truly can and ... does assist with and guide communication, especially conversational communication, even more than I had thought.
+ It is a true learning environment.

From the 1996 Awakening Technology Community of Inquiry and Practice (CIP)
Content and Groupware Design © 1996 Awakening Technology.

Awakening Techno
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From www.awakentech.com on 02/16/2025 ---- item last modified on 05/31/1997.