Publications & Presentations

"Improving Social Cognition: Limits and Leverage." Presentation at the Bootstrap Alliance Exchange, Menlo Park, California, 1998.

"How Can We Use Cyberspace to Increase and Disseminate Futures Knowledge?" Presentation at the Humanity 3000 Planning Meeting, Foundation for the Future, Bellevue, Washington, 1998

"Seeing Wiser in 3D: New Dimensions and Strategic Questions." Presentation at the Institute for the Future's Outlook Project Exchange, "Beyond Knowledge Management: A Strategic Conversation on Evoloving Organizational Knowledge," Aptos, California, 1997.

"Knowledge Mapping: Graphic Conversations for Knowledge Creation & Architecture." Presentation at McKinsey & Company, New York, New York, 1997.

"Virtual Company, Real Community?" Presentation at The DiBianca-Berkman Group's July Conference, Lincoln, New Hampshire, 1997.

"Virtual Community in Business: What & How." Presentation at Coopers & Lybrand, New York, New York, 1997.

"Social Wholeness in Cyberspace: A Key Role for Contemplative and Integrative Practices?" An Evolving Work supported by the Fetzer Institute, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 1997.

"Growing Intranet Knowledge Communities." Presentation at the Pacific NW Regional HR Roundtable, Wilsonville, Oregon, 1997.

"Telecommunities for Conversations That Matter." Presentation at the Institute for the Future's Outlook Project Exchange, "The Transformation Exchange at EDS: Life at the Intersection of Technology, Organizations, and Meaning," Dallas, 1996.

"Electronic Workplace Communities With Spirit," in 1995 ODN Conference Proceedings. 1995 Organization Development Network National Conference, "Navigating Change: Stormy Seas, Renewed Spirits, Bright Horizons," Seattle, 1995. Also delivered as a workshop presentation at the same conference.

"Into the Future: The Whole Person Workplace." Keynote address at the Work/Family Northwest Conference, Seattle 1995.

"Cyberspace and STS." Deliberation at the Socio-Technical Systems Roundtable, Charleston, South Carolina, 1995.

Workshops on visioning and hands-on groupware experiences for Enhanced Learning Through Electronic Communities (ELTEC) Institute, Olympia, Washington, 1995.

"Virtual Organizational Learning Infrastructures." Workshop presentation at Systems Thinking in Action Conference, Boston, 1995.

"Which Comes First, Groupware or the Learning Organization?" Roundtable keynote presentation at GroupWare '95 San Jose, San Jose, California, 1995.

"Spiritual (?) Capital: A Work in Progress." Presentation at the Institute for the Future's Outlook Project Exchange, "Intellectual Capital: Growing and Sustaining Human and Knowledge Assets in the Flexible Organization," Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1995.

"Groupware and the Great Turning," in Gozdz, K. and Renesch, J., eds., Community Building: Renewing Spirit & Learning in Business. New Leaders Press, San Francisco, 1995.

"Humanizing Distributed Electronic Meetings," in Coleman, D., ed., GroupWare Boston '95 Proceedings. GroupWare '95, Boston, 1995. Also delivered as a workshop presentation at the same conference.

"Bringing Heart and Spirit into Electronic Networks." Workshop presentation at the Northwest International Women's Conference, Seattle, 1995.

"The Spiritualization of Cyberspace." Spirit, The Magazine of Volunteers of America, Fall 1994.

"Human Systems Foundations of Groupware in the Learning Organization." Workshop presentation at the Human Systems Development Professionals Spring Conference, Rainbow Lodge, Washington, 1994.

"Using Our Differences Creatively: Groupware for a Small Planet." Keynote address, Groupware Frontiers Conference, Tomorrow's Organisation Event, London, 1994.

"Organizational and Societal Learning," in Proceedings of the Groupware Frontiers Conference, Groupware Frontiers, London, 1994.

"Groupware for a Small Planet," in Lloyd, P., ed., Groupware in the 21st Century. Adamantine Press, London, 1994.

"Breathing Community Spirit Into the Electronic Global Brain/Mind." Workshop presentation for the Findhorn Foundation, Forres, Scotland, 1994.

"Building an On-Line Community: Dynamics, Spaces, Participating, and Facilitating." Workshop presentation for New Horizons for Learning, Seattle, 1994.

"Community Brain/Mind: Computer-Augmented Learning for the Common Good." Workshop presentation for Volunteers and Information Agency, New Orleans, 1994.

"Community Brain/Mind: Groupware Tools for Healthy Civic Life," in Proceedings of the Healthy Communities Networking Summit, San Francisco, 1994.

"Breathing Spirit Into the Global Brain: From Connectedness to Interbeing." Presented at the Whidbey Institute Symposium on the Convergence of Ecospirituality and the New Media, Whidbey Island, Washington, 1993.

"Groupware Tools for Healthy Civic Life." Presented at the Healthy Communities Networking Summit, San Francisco, 1993.

"Deliberative Electronic Democracy." Conference on Designing the Next Generation of Electronic Town Meetings, Meridian International Institute, San Francisco, 1993.

"A Whole-Systems View of Groupware." Workshop presentation for Antioch University Seattle, Organizational Systems Renewal graduate program, 1993.

"Designing and Facilitating a Virtual Learning Community." Workshop presentation for Antioch University Seattle, MS in Management program, 1993.

"Writing and Wholeness: Online Islands of Safety," in Mason, R., ed., Computer Conferencing -- The Last Word. Beach Holme Publishing Ltd., Victoria, BC, 1993.

"Using Our Differences Creatively: Computer-Augmented Dialogues on Tough Societal Issues." Bulletin of the Institute of Awakening Technology, Fall 1992.

"The Imperative to Choose." Dentsu Institute for Human Studies By-LINE Journal, Special Issue on Information-based Civilization, Center for Global Communications, International University of Japan, 1992.

"Groupware Is Computer-Mediated Culture: Some Keys to Using It Wisely," in Coleman, D., ed., GroupWare '92 Proceedings. GroupWare '92, San Jose, California, 1992.

"Wisdom Values and Technology in Business." World Business Academy Perspectives, Vol. 6, No. 2, Summer 1992.

"Training Anywhere/Any Time -- Via Computer Conferencing." Presentation for the Portland Metropolitan Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development, Portland, Oregon, 1992.

"Evolution on Purpose: Tools for Virtual Group Life." Keynote address, HyperNetwork '92, Beppu Bay Conference, Oita, Japan, 1992.

"EIES 2 and the Virtual Classroom¨." Executive briefing for Oregon ED-NET and Eastern Oregon State College, 1991.

"Post-Mechanistic Groupware Primitives: Rhythms, Boundaries, and Containers." International Journal of Man Machine Studies, Special Issue on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Groupware, 1991. Reprinted in Greenburg, S., ed., Computer-supported Cooperative Work and Groupware. Academic Press, New York, 1991.

"Islands of Safety for Unlocking Human Potential." Presented at the Third International Guelph Symposium on Unlocking Human Potential via Computer-Mediated Communication, University of Guelph, Ontario, 1990. Research Report #3, Awakening Technology, Lake Oswego, Oregon, 1990.

Rhythms, Boundaries, and Containers: Creative Dynamics of Asynchronous Group Life. Research Report #4, Awakening Technology, Lake Oswego, Oregon, 1990.

"Humanizing Hyperspace." In Context, Fall 1989.

"Connecting with the Heart of Matters in a Virtual Learning Community." Presented at the Electronic Networking Association Conference, "Groupware: The Next Wave," Allentown, Pennsylvania, 1989.

"On-Line Learning Communities." AHP Perspective, Association of Humanistic Psychology, December 1989.

Computer Support for a Sustainable Culture. Research Report #2, Awakening Technology, Lake Oswego, Oregon, 1989.

Computer Support for Some Forgotten Aspects of Cooperation. Research Report #1, Awakening Technology, Lake Oswego, Oregon, 1988.

"Computer Networking." Communities: Journal of Cooperation, July/August 1983.

"Microcomputer Networking for Social Change: The MIST System." Connections: Bulletin of the International Network for Social Network Analysis, V (2), Summer 1982.

"Groupware: The Process and Impacts of Design Choices," in Kerr, E. and Hiltz, S., Computer-Mediated Communication Systems. Academic Press, New York, 1982.

"Form and Flow in Electronic Networks." The Association for Humanistic Psychology Newsletter, April 1981.

"Telework and Togetherness on the Network." The Christian Science Monitor, February 24-25, 1981.

"Consider the Groupware: Design and Group Process Impacts on Communication in the Electronic Medium," in Hiltz, S. and Kerr, E., Studies of Computer-Mediated Communications Systems: A Synthesis of the Findings. Research Report #16, Computerized Conferencing and Communications Center, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey, 1981.

"Soziale Vernetzung," in Lutz, R., ed., Sanfte Alternativen. Beltz, Weinheim, West Germany, 1981. German version of Speculations on Facilitating Network Structures: Balancing Social Coherence and Individual Liberty. Johnson-Lenz, Lake Oswego, 1979.

"Vision of a Neighborhood Office in 1985." Neighborhood Information Sharing Exchange Newsletter, December 1980.

Tour of Alternative Futures: User's Manual for the Future Tour Available on the Electronic Information Exchange System. Johnson-Lenz, Lake Oswego, Oregon, 1980.

The Evolution of a Tailored Communications Structure: The TOPICS System. Research Report #14, Computerized Conferencing and Communications Center, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey, 1980.

"JEDEC/EIES: Computer Conferencing for Standardization Activities," in Henderson, M. and MacNaughton, M., eds., Electronic Communication: Technology and Impacts. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1980. With J. Hessman.

"Legitech/EIES: Information Exchange Among State Legislative Researchers," in Henderson, M. and MacNaughton, M., eds., Electronic Communication: Technology and Impacts. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1980.

"Groupware: The Emerging Art of Orchestrating Collective Intelligence." Presented at the First Global Conference on the Future, Toronto, Canada, 1980.

"On Facilitating Networks for Social Change." Connections: Bulletin of the International Network for Social Network Analysis, I (2), Winter 1978.

"How Groups Can Make Decisions and Solve Problems Through Computerized Conferencing." Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 4, No. 5, June 1978. With J. Scher.

"Conference Facilitation by Computer-Aided Sharing." Transnational Associations, 29 (10), 1977.

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