Connections: Colleagues, Friends, & Other Links

Business Research in Information and Technology Web site
Rick Karash's Learning-Org Dialog on Learning Organizations
The MIT Organizational Learning Network
Jessica Lipnack & Jeffrey Stamps' The Networking Institute
The World Cafe
Open Space Institute
The Center for Group Learning
The Co-Intelligence Institute
Fast Company magazine

David Coleman's Collaborative Strategies Web site
David Coleman's pick of cool groupware sites
David Woolley's list of Web conferencing systems WWW collaboration projects
WWW conferencing systems
University of Georgia's Groupware Central
Organizational Memory and QuestMap (tm) at GDSS
GroupServe's online rentals of communication and collaboration technologies
Council (tm): electronic meeting software -- "Technology for Thinking Together"
Lotus Development Corporation's Web site -- "Work the Web"
Lotus Domino Web site
eApps -- our Domino Web hosting service

Howard Rheingold's Brainstorms
The Meta Network
Robert Theobald's home page
Transformational Learning Community home page
Peter Russell's Web site, "The Spirit of Now"
Duane Elgin's site, "Awakening Earth"
Online Noetic Network, hosted by Joel Metzger
Mark Pesce's Web site

Institute for the Future
Center for Global Communications, International University of Japan
Bootstrap Institute
Institute of Noetic Sciences
Fetzer Institute

Awakening Technology
...*...333 S. State Street V-233...*...Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034
(503) 635-2615 voice...*
From on 10/07/2024 ---- item last modified on 06/22/1999.