Statement of Purpose

Peter and Trudy Johnson-Lenz founded Awakening Technology in 1986.

Here is our Statement of Purpose from January 1, 1990:


Ours is the time of remembering all that has been forgotten -- our essential connection with ourselves, each other, nature, and the Mystery.

Ours is the time of reconciling -- joining opposites in creative relationship -- feminine and masculine, self and other, friend and enemy, our natural and made worlds, spirituality and technology, and many more.

As we remember our spirituality, the challenge is to not reject technology -- our power to move the world -- but to use both together in appropriate ways to become more creatively whole.

Through this remembering and reconciling, we are becoming big enough as individuals to embrace the dark and light within us, and big enough as a species to embrace the creative power of our differences.

Awakening Technology is dedicated to this personal and cultural awakening.

Awakening Technology's Purpose

Our purpose is to use computer-mediated communications in service of this awakening:
  • by creating a vital, sustainable culture within and through the use of this technology
  • by inspiring others, through our example, to that same purpose.
    We serve this awakening most directly by encouraging ourselves and others to live on purpose -- to be creatively whole.

    We stand for the ethical imperative on which our collective survival depends:
    • to be honest
    • to trust ourselves, each other, and the process of life,
    • to use our differences creatively
    • and to solve our problems cooperatively.

  • Awakening Technology
    ...*...333 S. State Street V-233...*...Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034
    (503) 635-2615 voice...*
    From on 01/25/2025 ---- item last modified on 06/02/1997.