Council Circle Guidelines

In the Council Circle we engage in the conversational practice of sitting in an on-line circle, listening to each other with respect, and speaking our own truth into the center. We take turns holding an imaginary talking stick, and each person speaks only once during each weekly round.

There are four concurrent Council Circles of no more than sixteen people each so that everyone can be fully heard. You may read and respond only within your own Council Circle. (As facilitators, Peter and Trudy Johnson-Lenz are observers in all the Circle groups).

The Council Circle activity in the CIP includes four weekly rounds and lasts one month.

Please practice following these simple guidelines. Notice how they change our on-line conversational experience.

From the 1996 Awakening Technology Community of Inquiry and Practice (CIP)
Content and Groupware Design © 1996 Awakening Technology.

Awakening Techno
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From on 02/05/2025 ---- item last modified on 05/31/1997.