Learning Inquiry Harvest: Personal Experiences

From the CIP Learning Inquiry, in participants' own words...

+ The Opening Ceremony and the Council Circles stimulated my heartmind, while the Open Space topics that I had a chance to be a part of stimulated my curious intellect. I experienced a sense of peace and pace with the Opening Ceremony and Council Circles, while with the Open Space and Cafe I found myself exhilarated and tickled.
- I am surprised by how often it is hard for me to be me here. This medium of having to write my thoughts (vs. just being able to speak up in the moment) intimidates me some and plunges me into concerns about doing it "right" and being smart/eloquent/on target, etc.
+ I am finding myself taking in what's offered, chewing on it, letting it sit for a while, and enjoying the silence. I can absorb the thoughtfulness and inquiry around me, and let it be, without action. For me, this is a new learning, as I spend much of my time being very verbal and engaged, and because I usually am driven to action. And for whatever reason, it's created some deep place for reflection that I have much appreciated.
- Interacting via computer gives me unanticipated anxiousness. Choosing where and how to enter is a a difficult learning process for me. Developing a sense of groupness (connection to the group and to the people) is a slow process for me given the lack of visual an/or auditory cues in this virtual group setting.
+ I have found the ability to reflect and take time to reply supportive, and I think this has made a difference. I find it much easier to operate at a pace that's suited to my deepening.
- I am learning about my own resistances, a difficulty with gently absorbing what is here because of its different focus.
+ On the personal side, I often find myself starting to cry when I'm in here. Not for sadness but because this experience has opened up a lot of emotions for me. I'm still sorting through them but it's pretty moving.
+ The smaller interchanges, threads that wander off into one or two people who exchange their thoughts and their moments, touch me.
+ I feel safe to be me.
+ I am simply exhilarated by the experience of being in the CIP.

From the 1996 Awakening Technology Community of Inquiry and Practice (CIP)
Content and Groupware Design © 1996 Awakening Technology.

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From www.awakentech.com on 02/05/2025 ---- item last modified on 05/31/1997.