Learning Inquiry Harvest: Behavioral Changes

From the CIP Learning Inquiry, in participants' own words...

+ I have done very little responding directly to other people. I have not been doing with others what I want for myself. So I am changing that pattern and starting to reach out and share more of myself. I am being more deliberate about letting others know at least some of my reactions to what I am hearing from them.
+ I have experienced, and have felt myself overcoming, feelings of intimidation.
+ I benefitted from pushing through my resistance that manifest in reading and not participating and inputting. Holding the expectation that what I'm writing is part of a learning process and not a finished product is useful.
+ I've learned how to get around being overwhelmed by using people I have conversed with in one domain to get started in another.
+ If someone is in the group who knows no one else (LIKE ME!), have a buddy system. In fact, I am going to ask for one in the Mutual Support section. Had we had Mutual Support at the beginning, I probably would have asked for this earlier!
+ I am learning about creating the space for reflection before speaking.
+ It gets ME to Slow Down... and think about problems from a communication standpoint.

From the 1996 Awakening Technology Community of Inquiry and Practice (CIP)
Content and Groupware Design © 1996 Awakening Technology.

Awakening Techno
logy...*...333 S. State Street V-233...*...Lake Oswego, Oregon 97034
(503) 635-2615 voice...*...we@johnson-lenz.com
From www.awakentech.com on 02/05/2025 ---- item last modified on 05/31/1997.